01/07/2023 | 28/06/2025


PSR Sardinia 2014/2020 – Measure 16.1. – Phase II






AC2S, an acronym for Agriculture and Food under the Sun in Sardinia, is a project that aims to comprehensively innovate the grain supply chain through several specific objectives. These include internal sharing of positivity/negativity and concertation mechanisms, on-the-ground collaboration among farmers, researchers and technicians active in research and innovation 4.0, grassroots technologization of the supply chain through blockchain and innovative 4.0 technologies, and differentiated storage to improve quality and diversify production.


The project is committed to transforming the grain supply chain through a series of ambitious and interconnected goals. These include promoting active information and knowledge sharing, adopting the latest ICT 4.0 technologies for field monitoring, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices through the use of biofertilizers. It also aims to recover and preserve local grain varieties, invest in conservation and quality analysis of raw materials, and create a blockchain to ensure traceability of products throughout the supply chain. It also focuses on quality control and ethno-historical and regulatory analysis to address current and future challenges. Communication of results is seen as critically important to promote transparency and innovation in the grain supply chain.


The project is based on the use of innovative 4.0 technologies such as blockchain, ICT for field monitoring, biofertilizers, and other advanced agronomic technologies. Methodologies include direct collaboration between farmers, researchers and technicians, implementation of differentiated storage systems, and use of communication and traceability tools to improve the quality and sustainability of the supply chain.


Innovation in supply chain decision-making

By innovating the method of decision-making and sharing supply chain awareness, also targeting the mass market (wholesale and GdO) in addition to direct sales and niche productions, it is intended to address this regional structural weakness by interactively involving all supply chain actors in the exercise of transparent cooperation for knowledge exchange.

ICT in agriculture and supply chain

Both new 4.0 technologies and IT innovations are to be introduced into supply chain operations. The IT innovations, however, consist of the introduction of blockchain for data exchanged within the supply chain that generate a traceable flow of raw materials transferable to the consumer and the creation of the Ethical Grain Exchange App, a tool for internal transparency of the price paid to supply chain raw materials.

Quality of production and storage, use of biostimulants/biofortificants

The aim is to innovate the approach of producers and concordant actors in the supply chain to obtain healthy, better quality products with amplified nutritional properties, resulting from cultivation and agronomic innovation and the use of innovative and/or local/antique varieties.


The project’s mission is to innovate the entire cereal supply chain for healthy, high-quality products with improved nutritional properties, while promoting environmental and socioeconomic sustainability. The expected impact includes increased quality of production and storage, diversification of markets and products, and increased consumer satisfaction and profitability for farmers through improved supply chain management and adoption of innovative farming practices.


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